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Sound Presets

Sounds are used to draw a player's attention to certain events on a map. PGM comes with several preset sounds that can be quickly used for scenarios. It can be used in combination with other actions, as defined in Actions & Triggers.

Sound TypeDescriptionDefault VolumeDefault Pitch
CUSTOMNote pling; fallback sound when no sound are defined.1.01.0
TIPUsed for Tip broadcast messages.1.01.2
ALERTHigh-pitched note pling; used for Alert broadcast messages.1.02.0
PORTALUsed for Portals.1.01.0
SCOREUsed when the player enters a Score Box.1.01.0
Used for Destroyables when sparks is enabled.0.751.0
OBJECTIVE_GOODUsed when the player's team completes or captures an objective.0.72.0
OBJECTIVE_BADUsed when the enemy team completes or captures an objective.0.80.8
OBJECTIVE_MODEUsed when Monument Modes are triggered.0.151.2
DEATH_OWNUsed when the player or a teammate dies during a match.1.01.0
DEATH_OTHERUsed when an enemy player dies during a match.1.01.0

Copied from: Kyori Adventure docs - Sound

Sound Keys

A list of sound keys available in Minecraft 1.8 can be found on Minecraft Wiki - Sounds.json.