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Consumables are items that can be made "edible" to the player and "consuming" it will allow them to run an action or receive a kit. It can be defined and applied to items in kits. When consumed, these items can trigger actions, and override vanilla eating or drinking behavior.

Consumables Element

<consumables> </consumables>Node containing the consumables definitions.
<consumable> </consumable>An individual consumable.

Consumable Attributes

idRequiredUnique identifier used to reference this consumable from other places in the XML.String
action|kitRequiredRun the specified action upon consumption.Action ID
onRequiredSpecify how the consumable should be used.
Note: The only action currently supported is eat. In the future, more actions such as clicking will be supported.
overrideConsumable is affected by vanilla behaviors, such as giving the player potion effects.
This is useful when using potion bottles and golden apples as the consumable item.


<!-- Create the consumable "template" -->
<consumable id="porkchop-that-says-yum" action="say-yum" on="eat" override="false"/>
<!-- Apply the consumable to an item -->
<kit id="spawn">
<item slot="1" amount="5" consumable="porkchop-that-says-yum" material="pork"/>
<!-- Define the action the consumable will run -->
<message id="say-yum" text="Yum!"/>
<!-- Create the consumable "template" -->
<consumable id="fast-apple" kit="speed-kit" on="eat"/>
<!-- Apply the consumable to an item -->
<kit id="spawn">
<item slot="1" consumable="fast-apple" name="Fast Apple" material="golden apple"/>
<!-- Define the kit the consumable gives you -->
<kit id="speed-kit">
<effect duration="4" amplifier="10">speed</effect>