Actions & Triggers
Actions are a set of features that are applied to players, teams, or matches, similiar to Kits. Multiple actions can be started by one trigger.
In the future, some features that are currently used in Kits may be transferred to be used as an Action instead.
Action Elements
Element | Description |
<action> </action> | A group of actions running in a sequence. |
<switch-scope> </switch-scope> | Changes the scope that an action applies to. |
<repeat> </repeat> | Loop actions without recursions. |
<message/> | A message that is sent to the player. |
<sound/> | A sound that is played for the player. |
<set/> | Sets a new value for a Variable. |
<kill-entities/> | Removes entities based on a filter. |
<kit/> | Applies a Kit. |
<fill/> | Places blocks in a block-bounded region. |
<paste-structure/> | Places a structure at a specified location when triggered. |
<replace-item> </replace-item> | Finds and replaces certain items. |
<enchant-item> </enchant-item> | Enchants the targeted item. |
<take-payment> </take-payment> | Allow players to pay with items in their inventory to trigger an action. |
<velocity/> | A player-scoped kit that applies velocity to the player. |
<teleport/> | Teleport a player to a specific location. |
Action Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
id | Unique identifier used to reference this action from other places in the XML. | String | |
scope | Sets the scope target an action should operate against. | player , team , or match | |
filter | A filter that is tested before running actions inside. | Filter | |
untrigger-filter | A filter that is tested before deactivating the actions inside, similar to kit lending. Most actions do not have explicit untrigger logic and will do nothing on untrigger. | Filter | never |
expose | Allows an action to be triggered by /action .Actions must have an ID and support the match scope for expose to work. Moderators require the GAMEPLAY permission to use the action command. | true/false | false |
Switch-Scope Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
id | Unique identifier used to reference this switch-scope from other places in the XML. | String |
inner | Specify the scope of the inner action. | player , team , or match |
outer | Specify the scope outside of an action. In some cases, this can be omitted as PGM will automatically infer the outer scope. | player , team , or match |
Repeat Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
times | The amount of time to repeat. Non-whole numbers will be rounded down. Negative numbers will cause no iterations. | Expression |
filter | Filters when this loop should be active. This will be checked as many time as the loop is ran. | Filter |
Message Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
text | PropertyThe text that will be sent in the chat to a player. | Formatted Text | |
actionbar | PropertyThe text above the hotbar. | Formatted Text | |
title | PropertyThe title text that will appear in the center of the player's screen. | Formatted Text | |
subtitle | PropertyThe subtitle text that will appear below the title text. | Formatted Text | |
fade-in | How long the title and subtitle text will fade in. | Time Period | 0.5s |
stay | How long the title and subtitle text will display for. | Time Period | 3.5s |
fade-out | How long the title and subtitle text will fade out. | Time Period | 1s |
Element | Description | Value |
<replacements> | A list of replacements. Note: In the future, more replacements will be supported. | Replacements Sub-elements |
Sub-element | Description |
<decimal/> | A numerical placeholder. |
<player/> | A player's name placeholder. |
Decimal Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
id | Unique identifier used to reference this decimal placeholder from other places in the XML. | String |
value | RequiredThe variable this decimal should evaluate. It can be used with formulas. | Expression |
format | Customize how the decimal should be displayed, e.g. #.00 . | Java DecimalFormat pattern |
Player Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
id | RequiredUnique identifier used to reference this player placeholder from other places in the XML. | String | |
var | RequiredThe exclusive player-scoped variable to check for. | Variable | |
style | The style to display the player's name in. | plain , color ,fancy , verbose | verbose |
fallback | If no player has been assigned this variable, set the text to display instead. | String |
Style Examples
Description | Screenshot |
plain - no formatting at all.simple_color (discouraged) - team color formatting without click-to-teleport hover.color (recommended for chat) - the player's name with team color with click-to-teleport hover.fancy - contains fancy formatting, flairs (prefix/suffix/etc), colors, and click-to-teleport (discouraged) - formatted as a tablist entry with team color, flairs, death status, self, etc.verbose - like fancy , but includes full nickname of nicked users to server operators and friends. |
Sound Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
preset | Allows you to reuse a pre-existing sound with predefined volume and pitch. | Sounds Preset | CUSTOM |
key | The sound type that will be played for a player. | Sound Keys | |
volume | How loud or quiet a sound should be. | Decimal | 1.0 |
pitch | The tone of the sound. | Decimal | 1.0 |
Set Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
var | RequiredThe variable to update. | Variable |
index | If setting an array-type variable, the expression to be evaluated. Required when using array-type variables. | Expression |
value | RequiredSets a new value for the variable. | Expression |
Kill-Entities Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
filter | Filters which entities to remove. | Filter |
Fill Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
region | PropertyRequiredThe region to fill in. Multiple regions will be treated as an union. | Region | |
material | RequiredThe filling material. | Single Material Pattern | |
filter | Filters which blocks get affected. May impact performance for large fills. | Filter | |
events | Calls events for block placements and removals, which will make it affected by other filters and PGM features. May impact performance for large fills. | true/false | false |
update | Placed blocks will update upon interaction, e.g., redstone, and invalid block placements such as floating ladders, "popping" off. May impact performance for large fills. | true/false | true |
Paste-Structure Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value | Default |
x | The X coordinate of the location to paste the structure, measured in east-west. | Expression | |
y | The Y coordinate of the location to paste the structure, measured in altitude. | Expression | |
z | The Z coordinate of the location to paste the structure, measured in north-south. | Expression | |
structure | The structure to paste. | Structure ID | |
update | Placed blocks will update upon interaction, e.g., redstone, and invalid block placements such as floating ladders, "popping" off. May impact performance for large fills. | true/false | true |
Sub-elements | Description | Value |
<find/> | The item to find in a player's inventory. | Item Attributes |
<replace/> | The new item to replace with. | Item Attributes |
Attribute | Description | Value |
keep-amount | Player recives the same amount of the new item as they had of the old item. | true/false |
keep-enchants | Enchantments on the old item will be applied to the new item. | true/false |
ignore-metadata | Filters which entities to remove. | true/false |
amount | Match for item stacks that have a certain amount of items in a range. | Range |
Enchant-Item Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
enchantment | An item enchantment. | Enchantment Name |
level | The specified enchantment's level. | Expression |
ignore-metadata | Filters which entities to remove. | true/false |
Sub-elements | Description | Value |
<payment/> | PropertyRequiredAn individual payment. | Item Attributes |
<success-action/> | PropertyThe action to trigger upon a successful payment. | Action |
<fail-action/> | PropertyThe action to trigger upon a failed payment. | Action |
Attribute | Description | Value |
material | RequiredThe item to display as an icon. | Material Name |
price | The amount of a currency needed to purchase. | Number |
currency | The currency needed to purchase. | Filter |
Velocity & Teleport Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
x | The X coordinate, measured in east-west. | Expression |
y | The Y coordinate, measured in altitude. | Expression |
z | The Z coordinate, measured in north-south. | Expression |
yaw | The horizontal angle a user looks to. | Expression |
pitch | The vertical angle a user looks to. | Expression |
Trigger Element
The trigger element waits for a dynamic filter to activate it, and afterwards it will trigger an action.
Trigger Attributes
Attribute | Description | Value |
filter | PropertyA dynamic filter that activates the trigger. | Dynamic Filter |
action | PropertySets the action to run when the filter allows. | Action |
scope | Specify the scope for which to test the filter. | player , team , or match |
<kit id="spawn">
<item slot="0" unbreakable="true" material="stone sword"/>
<message text="You were given a kit!"/>
<action id="do-stuff" scope="player">
<!-- Gives the player who activated the trigger a diamond -->
<message text="You've been given a diamond!"/>
<item material="diamond"/>
<!-- Sends a message to the player's team -->
<switch-scope outer="player" inner="team">
<message text="Your team has been given the spawn kit!"/>
<!-- Gives each player in the team a kit (Kits are applied per player) -->
<switch-scope outer="team" inner="player">
<kit id="spawn"/>
<trigger filter="some-dynamic-filter" action="do-stuff" scope="player"/>
<message id="standalone-text" text="This is a standalone text trigger"/>
<trigger filter="another-dynamic-filter" action="standalone-text" scope="player"/>
Enabling Blitz Mode
This example uses the expose
attribute in Action to allow moderators to enable
a "Blitz Mode" using the /action
command. Moderators must have the GAMEPLAY
in order to use /action
. See Commands for more details.
<!-- Moderator uses "/action trigger start-blitz" to start this Action -->
<action id="start-blitz" expose="true" scope="match">
<!-- Sends notification to chat -->
<message text="Blitz mode has been enabled!"/>
<!-- Sets blitz_enabled to 1 -->
<set var="blitz_enabled" value="1"/>
<!-- Moderator uses "/action trigger end-blitz" to start this Action -->
<action id="end-blitz" expose="true" scope="match">
<message text="Blitz mode has been disabled!"/>
<set var="blitz_enabled" value="0"/>
<!-- Creates the blitz_enabled variable -->
<variable id="blitz_enabled" scope="match"/>
<!-- Matches for a condition where a player loses a life -->
<!-- If a player dies when blitz_enabled is 1, they lose a life -->
<variable var="blitz_enabled">1</variable>