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Entity Types

Inanimate Types

1DROPPED_ITEMAn item resting on the ground.
2EXPERIENCE_ORBAn experience orb.
8LEASH_HITCHA leash attached to a fencepost.
9PAINTINGA painting on a wall.
10ARROWAn arrow projectile; may get stuck in the ground.
11SNOWBALLA flying snowball.
12FIREBALLA flying large fireball, as thrown by a Ghast for example.
13SMALL_FIREBALLA flying small fireball, such as thrown by a Blaze or player.
14ENDER_PEARLA flying ender pearl.
15ENDER_SIGNALAn flying ender eye.
17THROWN_EXP_BOTTLEA flying experience bottle.
18ITEM_FRAMEAn item frame on a wall.
19WITHER_SKULLA flying wither skull projectile.
20PRIMED_TNTA primed TNT that is about to explode.
21FALLING_BLOCKA block that is going to or is about to fall.
22FIREWORKA flying firework.
23TIPPED_ARROWAn tipped arrow projectile; may get stuck in the ground.
24SPECTRAL_ARROWAn spectral arrow projectile; may get stuck in the ground.
25SHULKER_BULLETBullet fired by a shulker.
26DRAGON_FIREBALLA dragon fireball.
30ARMOR_STANDArmor stand entity used to display weapons/armor.
40MINECART_COMMANDA minecart with a command block in it.
41BOATA placed boat.
42MINECARTA minecart.
43MINECART_CHESTA minecart with a chest in it.
44MINECART_FURNACEA powered minecart.
45MINECART_TNTA minecart with TNT in it.
46MINECART_HOPPERA minecart with a hopper in it.
47MINECART_MOB_SPAWNERA minecart with a mob spawner in it.
200ENDER_CRYSTALAn ender crystal.
SPLASH_POTIONA flying splash potion.
LINGERING_POTIONA flying lingering potion.
AREA_EFFECT_CLOUDAffect cloud of a lingering potion.
EGGA flying chicken egg.
FISHING_HOOKA fishing line and bobber.
LIGHTNINGA bolt of lightning.
UNKNOWNAn unknown entity without an Entity Class.

Creature Types

50CREEPERA creeper.
51SKELETONA skeleton or wither skeleton.
52SPIDERA spider.
53GIANTDeprecatedA giant zombie.
54ZOMBIEA zombie or zombie villager.
55SLIMEA slime.
56GHASTA ghast.
57PIG_ZOMBIEA zombie pigman.
58ENDERMANAn enderman.
59CAVE_SPIDERA cave spider.
60SILVERFISHA silverfish.
61BLAZEA blaze.
62MAGMA_CUBEA magma cube.
63ENDER_DRAGONAn ender dragon.
64WITHERA wither.
65BATA bat.
66WITCHA witch.
67ENDERMITEAn endermite.
68GUARDIANA guardian or elder guardian.
69SHULKERA shulker.
90PIGA pig.
91SHEEPA sheep.
92COWA cow.
93CHICKENA chicken.
94SQUIDA squid.
95WOLFA wolf.
96MUSHROOM_COWA mooshroom.
97SNOWMANA snowman.
98OCELOTAn ocelot.
99IRON_GOLEMAn iron golem.
100HORSEA horse.
101RABBITA rabbit or killer rabbit.
120VILLAGERA villager.