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Pickups are used to create a pickup-able kit at a specific location. While somewhat similar to a kit applied using a region, pickups are represented by a physical object and have a refresh time.

By default, an ender crystal entity is used to show the pickup location. When a player walks into the crystal, it gives them a kit and then de-spawns. The crystal will respawn again at a random location inside the specified region after the set respawn time. This means that the pickup's region must be randomize-able, e.g. a <cuboid>, <cylinder>, <block> or <point>. A <point> region does not return a randomized position but can still be used to specify an exact location for a pickup.

Pickup Element

<pickups> </pickups>Node containing all the pickups.Pickup Elements
<pickup/>A single pickup.Pickup Sub-elements

Pickup Attributes

idUnique identifier used to reference this pickup from other places in the XML.String
nameThe display name of this pickup, shown above the pickup entity if present.Formatted Text
appearanceThe entity used to show this pickup's location.
Currently only accepts ENDER CRYSTAL.
spawn-filterPropertyFilter if this pickup is and can be spawned.Filteralways
pickup-filterPropertyFilter who can pick up the pickup's kit.Filteralways
regionPropertyRequiredThe region where the pickup entity is placed into.Randomize-able Region
kitPropertyThe kit to give to players who pick up this pickup.Kit ID
respawn-timeTime until the pickup entity is re-spawned after being picked up.
If set to zero, the entity will not despawn and will simply be refreshed.
Time Period3s
pickup-timeTime until the pickup is refreshed and can be picked up again.Time Period3s
effectsShow the pickup's particle effects.true/falsetrue
soundsPlay the pickup's sound effects.true/falsetrue


<pickup id="archer-pickup" name="`3Archery" region="archery-tower" kit="archery-kit" refresh="5m"/>
<pickup id="healing-pickup" name="`4Healing Station" region="heal-station" refresh="1m">
<effect duration="10" amplifier="4">instant_health</effect>
<pickup id="speed-powerup" region="powerups" kit="speed-kit" refresh="10s"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pickup id="poison-powerdown" region="powerups" kit="poison-kit" refresh="10s"/>