Ozone FFA
Ozone FFA is a free-for-all adaptation of the original version of Ozone, which was a TDM map. Each player fights for themselves, and whoever gets the most kills after 10 minutes wins. All players are equipped with bows that shoot ender pearls, allowing them to easily traverse the map.
Source: Ozone FFA by Plastix,
MonsieurApple, IM_A_H0B0, and SajinZero
The various buildings are tall and made with slabs so you can shoot through them with some skill.
This map was copied in 1/4th sections.
Every map XML file starts with the XML header and then the base <map>
<map proto="1.5.0">
<!-- Specifies what the map is called -->
<name>Ozone FFA</name>
<!-- States what version the map is -->
<!-- Tells players what the objective is in order to win the game -->
<objective>Kill the most players in 10 minutes!</objective>
<!-- Sets the gamemode title for the map -->
<!-- States who made the map -->
<author uuid="ef4ea031-998f-4ec9-b7b6-1bdd428bcef8" contribution="Overall map design and XML"/> <!-- Plastix -->
<author uuid="3c7db14d-ac4b-4e35-b2c6-3b2237f382be" contribution="Map design"/> <!-- MonsieurApple -->
<author uuid="82c796a5-c033-43be-af30-fa06496995f9" contribution="*crunch* *crunch* *crunch*"/> <!-- IM_A_H0B0 -->
<author uuid="90e029a3-6873-46a7-8430-0ec3dbc42aba" contribution="Map design and aestethics"/> <!-- SajinZero -->
<!-- States who made contributions to the map -->
<contributor uuid="2553e6f2-3a2c-440b-a6a3-39e3df7fe3ff" contribution="Feedback and aesthetics"/> <!-- Khazhyk -->
<contributor uuid="3ce426cd-2ded-4f83-a9bb-46a57d68d9a5" contribution="Various aesthethics"/> <!-- McYukon -->
<!-- Shows any map rules or details that are not in normal server rules which appears when running /map -->
<rule>Fall damage is disabled</rule>
➡️ Specify that this is a teamless map, assign each player a random color, and allow up to 80 players to join.
<players min="2" max="80" colors="true"/>
➡️ Set a 10 minute time limit for the map. The player with the most points after time is up wins.
<!-- Gain 1 point for killing a player, the player with most points after 10 minutes wins -->
➡️ Use the broadcasts module to tell players about special mechanics on this map.
<!-- Announce to all players 2 seconds into the match about fall damage and ender pearl bows -->
<alert after="2s">Fall damage is disabled on this map! Bows shoot ender pearls!</alert>
➡️ Defines the kit that players will receive.
<kit id="spawn-kit">
<item slot="0" unbreakable="true" material="stone sword"/>
<item slot="1" unbreakable="true" material="bow">
<item slot="28" material="arrow"/>
<item slot="2" material="golden apple"/>
<!-- Helmet and chestplate will be automatically colored based on the player's given color -->
<helmet unbreakable="true" team-color="true" material="leather helmet"/>
<chestplate unbreakable="true" team-color="true" material="leather chestplate"/>
<leggings unbreakable="true" material="chainmail leggings">
<enchantment level="3">protection projectile</enchantment>
<boots unbreakable="true" material="iron boots"/>
<effect duration="5" amplifier="10">damage resistance</effect>
➡️ Specify where the previously defined teams will spawn, the kit they will spawn with, and what direction they face.
<cylinder base="0.5,30,0.5" radius="3" height="0"/>
<spawn kit="spawn-kit" spread="true" safe="true">
<!-- Players will spawn facing a central point on the map -->
<regions angle="0.5,10,0.5">
<!-- The 4 towers -->
<cylinder base="103.5,2,103.5" radius="13" height="77"/>
<cylinder base="103.5,2,-102.5" radius="13" height="77"/>
<cylinder base="-102.5,2,103.5" radius="13" height="77"/>
<cylinder base="-102.5,2,-102.5" radius="13" height="77"/>
<!-- Repeat this region to increase probability of PGM choosing this one -->
<cylinder base="0.5,110,0.5" radius="146" height="0"/>
<cylinder base="0.5,110,0.5" radius="146" height="0"/>
<cylinder base="0.5,110,0.5" radius="146" height="0"/>
<cylinder base="0.5,110,0.5" radius="146" height="0"/>
<cylinder base="0.5,110,0.5" radius="146" height="0"/>
<!-- The floating ring at the top -->
<cylinder base="0.5,2,0.5" radius="163" height="20"/>
<cylinder base="0.5,2,0.5" radius="163" height="20"/>
➡️ This map does not feature building, so any block placing or breaking is disabled.
<!-- Deny all block place and block break events; defaults to everywhere on the map -->
<apply block="never"/>
➡️ Depending on the item dropped, different things will happen. They may be picked up by players that don't already have the item, kept when the player dies, or are completely removed from the map.
<!-- These items will drop, players that already have these items can pick it up and will be merged -->
<tool>stone sword</tool>
<!-- If the player has these item, it will be saved in their inventory -->
<item>golden apple</item>
<!-- All of these items will be automatically removed when dropped -->
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>chainmail leggings</item>
<item>iron boots</item>
➡️ Reward players by giving a golden apple for killing an enemy.
<!-- Get a golden apple after killing a player -->
<item material="golden apple"/>
➡️ Players do not need to worry about hunger in this map, so hunger is disabled.
<!-- Disable hunger from depleting -->
➡️ This changes the properties of bows to shoot Ender Pearls, making players able to quickly teleport around the map.
<!-- Makes all bows shoot Ender Pearls -->
<!-- Makes all bows shoot projectiles at a faster velocity -->
➡️ Disables all falling damage.
➡️ Throwing Ender pearls will occasionally result in Endermites spawning, so we want to disable this unintended mechanics.
➡️ This module will automatically respawn players and let them spectate others before respawning.
<respawn auto="true" spectate="true"/>
Close the main <map>