Example 1
This example is as simple as you can get. The first to win 2 matches, wins the round.
<format best-of="3">
<match>Facility TE</match>
<match>Limbo II</match>
Example 2
This example is a simple best-of-3 with a veto system.
<format best-of="3">
<match id="veto-decider">No Return</match>
<match>Ascendance 02</match>
<match>Facility TE</match>
<match>Desert Sanctuary</match>
<order ban-until="3" starting-team="2" />
Example 3
This example is more complicated. This is a best-of-3 of gamemodes. Each gamemode constitutes a round, and every round is a best-of-1 (that means that winning one match of that gamemode will give you a round) with the exception of Conquest, where you will need to win 2 matches to win the round.
<format best-of="1">
<match id="veto-decider">No Return</match>
<format name="CTW" best-of="3">
<result-from id="veto-decider" />
<match>Race for Victory 2</match>
<match>Fairy Tales 2: A Tale or Two</match>
<match>Golden Drought III</match>
<match>Deepwind Jungle TE</match>
<match>NextGen TE</match>
<order ban-until="1" starting-team="2" />
<format name="DTM" best-of="3">
<result-from id="veto-decider" />
<match>Spaceship Battles TE</match>
<match>The Fenland</match>
<match>Ender Blast</match>
<order ban-until="1" starting-team="2" />
<format name="Conquest" best-of="3">
<result-from id="veto-decider" />
<match>Limbo II</match>
<match>Facility TE</match>
<match>Dwyer Hill</match>
<match>Desert Sanctuary</match>
<order ban-until="3" starting-team="2" />
<order ban-until="1" starting-team="2" />