Community Commands
This page describes a list of commands, aliases, and permissions for Community, a standalone plugin for managing PGM servers. Commands for moderation, punishments, etc will be shown here.
Commands | Aliases | Description | Usage | Permissions |
/alts | alternateaccounts | View a list of alternate accounts of a player. | [target] | community.lookup.others |
/assistance | assist helpop helpme | Request help from staff members. | [reason] – Let staff know what you need help with | |
/ban | permban pb | Ban a player from the server. | [player] [reason] | community.ban |
/broadcast | announce bc | Broadcast an announcement to everyone. | [title] [message] or [message] | community.broadcast |
/chat clear | Clears the chat. | | ||
/chat lock | lockdown | Toggle lock status for the chat. | | |
/chat slow | slowmode | Toggle chat slowmode. | | |
/chat status | View current chat mode status. | | ||
/chat | Manage the chat status. | defaults to status | | |
/chestedit | ce cedit containeredit | Edit inventory contents of target block (chest, furnace, dispenser, beacon, etc.) | community.container | |
/community punishments | p | Imports bans to database. | [true/false] – verbose | community.reload |
/community reload | Reloads the Community configuration. | community.reload | ||
/community stats | Displays total users, punishments and reports. | community.reload | ||
/community | Manage the community plugin. | reloads by default | community.reload | |
/fly | flight | Toggle your flight mode. | | |
/flyspeed | Adjust your flight speed. | | ||
/freeze | fz f | Toggle a player’s frozen state. | [username] | community.freeze |
/friend accept | acc | Accept an incoming friend request. | [username | uuid] | community.friendship |
/friend add | request a | Sends a friend request to another player. | [username | uuid] | community.friendship |
/friend reject | deny | Denies an incoming friend request. | [username | uuid] | community.friendship |
/friend remove | delete rm | Removes a friend. | [username | uuid] | community.friendship |
/friend requests | incoming pending | View a list of your pending friend requests. | community.friendship | |
/friend | friendship fs | Manage your friend relationships. | defaults to list | community.friendship |
/friends | /friend list | View a list of friends. | community.friendship | |
/frozenlist | fls flist | View a list of frozen players. | community.freeze | |
/gamemode | gm | Adjust your or another player’s gamemode. | community.gamemode | |
/kick | k | Kick a player from the server. | [player] [reason] | community.kick |
/languages | View a list of online languages. | community.translate | ||
/lookup | l | View infraction history of a player. | [player] [page] | community.lookup.others |
/modtools | mtools | Give moderator tools to observer. | community.staff | |
/mutate add | a | Add a mutation to the match. | community.mutation | |
/mutate list | ls | View a list of mutations. | community.mutation | |
/mutate remove | rm disable | Remove an active mutation from the match. | community.mutation | |
/mutate | mutation mt | Manage match mutations. | community.mutation | |
/mute | m | Prevent a player from speaking in the chat. | [player] [duration] [reason] | community.mute |
/mutes | List all online players who are muted. | community.mute | ||
/nameban | nb [/ban username/name] | Bans a username from the server, player can still reconnect if their username changes. | [player] [reason] – no reason required | community.ban |
/nick check | Check if the provided name is available. | [nick] | community.nick | |
/nick clear | reset | Remove nickname from yourself or another player. | [target] | community.nick.clear |
/nick confirm | Confirm random nickname choice. | [name] | community.nick | |
/nick random | Set a random nickname. | community.nick | ||
/nick set | Set your nickname. | [name] | community.nick.set | |
/nick setother | other | Set the nickname of another player. | [target] [nick] | community.nick.set.other |
/nick skin | Set skin for current nick session. | [username] | community.nick.set | |
/nick status | Check your current nickname status. | [target] | community.nick | |
/nick toggle | Toggle your nickname status. | community.nick | ||
/nick | Set a nickname. | community.nick | ||
/nicks | /nick list | View a list of online nicked players. | community.staff | |
/player | pl | View a list of recent reports for the targeted player. | [player] [page] | community.reports |
/profile | user | View account info for a player. | [username | uuid] | community.lookup.others |
/punishmenthistory | ph | View a list of recent punishments. | [page] | community.punish |
/queue | sponsorqueue sq | View the sponsored maps queue. | ||
/record | infractions mypunishments | View your punishment history. | [page] | community.lookup |
/repeatpunishment | rp | Repeat the last punishment you performed for another player. | [player] | community.punish |
/report | Report a player who is breaking the rules. | [username] [reason] | community.reports | |
/reports | reporthistory reps | View report history. | community.reports | |
/request | req | Request a map. | [map] | community.request |
/requests clear | Clear map requests. | [map] | community.request.staff | |
/requests | reqs | View and manage map requests. | clear | community.request.staff |
/seen | lastseen find | View when a player was last seen online. | [player] | community.find |
/sponsor maps | View a list of maps which can be sponsored. | |||
/sponsor request | submit add | Sponsor a map request. | [map] | |
/sponsor | View the sponsor request menu. | info, cancel – defaults to info | ||
/staff | mods admins | View a list of online staff members. | community.staff | |
/sudo | force | Force targets to perform given command. | [commands] | community.admin |
/tempban | tb | Temporarily bans a player from a server. | [player] [duration] [reason] | community.ban |
/tokens balance | Check your token balance. | |||
/tokens give | award | Give the target player sponsor tokens. | [player] [token amount] | community.admin |
/tokens | sponsortokens token | View how many sponsor tokens you have. | defaults to balance | community.token |
/tp | teleport | Teleport to another player. | [player] [other player] | community.teleport |
/tpall | tpa | Teleport all players to you. | [player] | community.teleport.all |
/tphere | bring tph | Teleport players to you. | [player] | community.teleport.others |
/tplocation | tpl tploc | Teleport to specific coordinates. | [x,y,z] [target player] | community.teleport.location |
/unban | pardon forgive | Pardon all active punishments for a player. | [player] | community.pardon |
/unmute | um | Unmute a player. | [player] | community.pardon |
/uptime | View how long the server has been online. | |||
/usernamehistoy | uh | View the name history of a user. | [player] | community.lookup.others |
/warn | w | Warn a player for bad behavior. | [player] [reason] | community.warn |
Spreadsheet can be found here.